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Lakeland Faculty Are Proud of High-Quality and Student-Focused Instruction They Provide

The following remarks were delivered by LFA President Tobin F. Terry at the May 5, 2023 meeting of the Lakeland Board of Trustees. 

Chairperson Rispoli, Board, and President Beverage, I am Tobin Terry, President of the Lakeland Faculty Association, Lake County resident and father of three. 

First, I want to offer some recognition. Congratulations to Dr. Kay Malec, for your distinguished service award. It is well-deserved.

I thank Trustee Hebebrand, as I was pleased to hear of his commendation of Lakeland’s programs and his acknowledgement of the political diversity amongst our faculty in his remarks at a recent speaking engagement. That diversity, too, is a testament to our commitment to fostering an inclusive learning environment where diverse perspectives are valued and respected.

I had expected that some attendees from that event would be here due to Trustee Hebebrand’s suggestion that they attend these meetings. I looked forward to hearing their perspectives on Lakeland’s positive impact on our community.

I would like to express my gratitude to President Beverage for his clarification that no board members believe that there is an attempt to indoctrinate students at Lakeland. I also appreciate President Beverage’s attempts to explain why faculty may have felt otherwise given the current climate. 

I understand that it was expressed by some at the April Board meeting that they felt attacked by the speakers we’ve heard at public comment. As the elected representative of the faculty, I urge the board not to mistake our passion for aggression. We educators are passionate about our subjects. And we are committed to inspiring and challenging our students to think independently and critically and to engage in thoughtful discourse. 

Our invitation to join us in our classrooms was not meant as a confrontational gesture. Rather, our invitation is meant as a genuine opportunity for the board to better understand our students and witness the outstanding work we are able to do, thanks in part to the support in policy and leadership provided by the board and administration.

We take immense pride in the services we provide to our community. We are grateful for your dedication, your commitment to advancing our shared mission, and your understanding that the concepts of equity, inclusion, and diversity enhance our students’ learning experiences.

Thank you for your time, attention, and leadership.